Disgusting, I know. But its so fascinating too! This is Eric's arm about a week after he received his smallpox vaccination. He got 15 pokes of cowpox vaccine in the same spot. Ouch. Gotta love the pre-deployment shots. And his puss-filled bump really isn't as bad as some of them get. Apparently there are guys that had to change the bandaging several times a day. This is probably worst for Eric. Its now scabbed over, and only sometimes itches. Its been annoying to be careful around it though. He changes the bandages with gloves on, can't get his arm wet, (therefore he showers with one arm, and the other is stuck either out of waters way or above his head) and I always forgot about it when I would go to hug him, and he'd flinch away. Apparently if it bursts and the puss touches new skin, it will spread and infect the surrounding area. Nasty. Anyway, thought I'd share alittle bit of an airman's life ready to go save the world.=)
Ewww! Michael won't get his until he gets over there. As for your post on my site...YES! I want a date!
Check out that gun. His muscles are HUGE!
ummm...it would be so hard not to pop that - it's totally ripe and ready!
eeek.....I had no idea the vaccine looks like that. I only saw the healed-up version once my hubby came home!
Hey Anna and Eric... it's Nicole (Julie's friend). I'm just snooping on your blog :) I thought you'd like to know that my first grade class just finished learning all about Edward Jenner, smallpox, and cowpox on Tuesday. I think I'll refrain from showing them his picture though.
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